All posts by rhogue

Summer Breeze Century Ride For Autism

We did it! Our first official 50 miler! And I didn’t even get hangry… luckily, they had those delicious pb & js, watermelons, oranges, and bananas at that pit stop.

In my new cool shorts and my awesome new gloves (not pictured here) with my sweet new bike computer!

The “fat tire” kids, as a few of the other bikers referred to us as. Maybe we will get lucky and win one of the radical road bikes they are raffling off.

Thanks for carrying everything 🙂

Also, I’m excited to “inadvertently” match you in our new shirts… muahahah.

The camping beforehand was fun, too! I’m glad we got to go to the Fish Tale and get dinner and ice cream, and also that we made it to Cohen’s in the morning for some delicious bagels.

Thanks for bringing the jiffy log and the s’more supplies:

Sandcastles and Lubritoriums

Oh man, dragon girl! I was pretty disappointed that they bring the sand in and spray Elmer’s Glue to get it to stick together so well.

 If you had been there, you would have told me to look away….

Do you see something funny?

You must be super excited to meet this guy in a few weekends:
At Whale’s Tale
Maybe next time you can come and hold my hand and give me kisses and show me some of your childhood memories.