Tag Archives: Summer


It has been a very wet year, so lush green grass that is normally brown by this point in the summer has decorated our route. Many beautiful wildflowers coat the forests and meadows: there is the purple of the lupine and the fire weed, the white of the trillium and the columbine, the yellow of the daisies and the buttercups, the pink of the Indian paintbrush, and so many more whose names I do not know.

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Glacier Summer Trip

This past summer, Rachel and I took time off work for a trip to Big Sky country, with the highlight of the trip being 3 days in Glacier National Park.  My siblings, Casey, Charity & Julie joined us, which was particularly exciting because Charity and Julie had never been to Montana.  Also, Casey had never been there besides one trip in the winter and I had never been to Glacier before.  We were excited for lots of first-time experiences!

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