oOo check out that rack! š
It only took the AJ stamp of approval before I could get your stamp of approval on this purchase! I’m still a little bummed that they sent me the grey/orange one instead of the black/chrome color that I wanted, but I’ll get over it, since you think that the one they sent me is the “right” color.
It was fun going to Grace Chapel with you on Sunday morning, and then getting lunch at 1806 Avenue Deli in downtown Lexington with you after.
“Yum I love this turkey club and potato salad, and I love getting my picture taken.”
I very much enjoyed the bike ride through forest and farm and giant-house neighborhood. It gets another point for having very little traffic. Maybe next time we do it, I will be a little bit faster. I was definitely losing energy by the end. Besides the scenery, my favorite part was the snaking downhill; it was fun going around all of those turns.
Thanks for getting me a pie pan to bake the chicken pot pie in. I’m glad that your shoelace and coat hanger jerry-rigging successfully held your muffler up until you could get home and “properly” fix it with clamps and what-not. I’m excited to see what new/ gently used car you end up buying!
And here’s to seeing good ‘ol Union pals on Saturday night!
pshaw, it doesn’t look disformed, your eyes are just closed!
I like all of this except for the picture where my face looks disformed