Much like week 9, week 10 of our trip southward on the GDMBR was light on miles covered, but otherwise full of adventure, this time with my brother, Casey, and his wife, Julie.
Continue reading GDMBR Week 10Much like week 9, week 10 of our trip southward on the GDMBR was light on miles covered, but otherwise full of adventure, this time with my brother, Casey, and his wife, Julie.
Continue reading GDMBR Week 10
Weeks 9 & 10 combined for a meager 128 miles of forward progress along the trail, but we did a lot of other fun activities with friends and family between Lynx Pass Campground and Como, CO. This was all by design, however, as we had been planning to meet my brother and sister-in-law in Silverthorne for a week of hiking & camping in week 10, but were a week ahead of schedule. Fortunately our good friend Derek lives in Boulder, CO and was willing to let us crash in his apartment for the week!
We tore this recipe out of a Costco magazine, and we really liked it, so I’m saving it here. I was worried it would be really spicy after licking some Chipotle chili sauce off of my finger, but the honey did a great job making the spiciness completely manageable. Also, they say 4 fillets, but we got through 9 fillets with the amount of salsa that this made, and I even forgot the black beans (I did end up needing to double the glaze, though). We served it over rice.
As we mentioned before the trip, we carry a SPOT tracking device with us, both to generate a nice map of our route for family and friends at home to see, as well as for safety. If one of us gets hurt, we can use the SPOT tracker to call for help, allowing us to stay together instead of the uninjured person having to bike for help. Most racers who do the Tour Divide carry a SPOT.
On our very first rest day of the trip, in Eureka, MT, Chris and I received an unexpected gift. We were sitting in the laundromat, reading our books as we waited for the wash cycle to complete. The door swung open, and a head of strawberry blonde dreadlocks sitting atop a long-sleeved flannel shirt and torn jeans strolled in. He was carrying a basket full of clothing, and, as he scanned the room, he spotted us.