Tag Archives: Honeymoon

Kicker Rock and La Lobería

For our first whole day in the Galapagos, the plan was to snorkel at Kicker Rock and a beach named Cerro Brujo and to visit La Loberia.  Kicker Rock (the Spanish name is León Dormido, because it’s supposed to look like a sleeping lion), is a large rock formation off of the coast of San Cristobal which took about 45 minutes to get to from the dock in Puerto Baquerizo Moreno.

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Travel Day to the Galápagos

We left the  hotel at 6am to return to the airport to catch our flight to the Galápagos. I got my first glimpse of Cotopaxi,  which is now smoking.   It had a series of small eruptions in the past year which caused the park to be closed, but now it is reopened up to the base camp  (the “Refugio”).  At the airport, we found out our Galápagos flight was delayed 5 hours.   The silver lining: it was a great opportunity for me to finish my homework!

Rachel doing homework at the airport

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La Luna de Miel

All the hard parts of getting married are finally behind us: planning (although we had quite a bit of help), writing and delivering vows, dancing,  breaking the piggy bank, and, quite possibly the worst of all, going back to work for a few days between the wedding and the honeymoon.  Throughout all of this, we had been looking forward to 10 days of adventuring and relaxing in Quito and the Galápagos Islands (Ecuador), and the day finally arrived for our honeymoon!  “Luna de Miel” is the literal translation of “Honey Moon” in Spanish.

Chris and Rachel at Terminal E at Boston International Airport

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