New Camera! (feat: Juno)

I’m starting to learn all about the camera that we got for our trip: the Sony RX100 II.
We’re so fancy! Now we just need to learn what aperture is…

To show you that I’ve been practicing with it, here are some pictures of the blizzard of 2015, aka Juno.

Here is you in the whiteout:
Oh wait, that’s just you inside brushing your teeth when the camera is set to black and white mode. Here is the view out of my bedroom window this past Tuesday morning:
DSC00033Here is our covered back porch (don’t tell Scott about his hockey bag). Don’t you wish you could have sat in those chairs with me to watch the storm?

DSC00037Here are the incumbent roommates, all working from home, obeying the travel ban (Ashley is mid-sneeze, an example of an action shot):

DSC00038Here is the street one over from Electric Avenue, where I parked my car:

DSC00040Here is number four Electric Avenue:

DSC00044Here is where I adopted my touring bike from:

DSC00045Ever wondered where they put all of the snow in a city? Now you know! They take it out to where you live:

DSC00049Too bad you weren’t here to make a snowman with me. These people made one with a cigarette or a pretzel in its mouth:

DSC00053That’s all, folks!

One thought on “New Camera! (feat: Juno)”

  1. Very nice, you will have to show me all that you’ve learned about how to use your new camera this weekend! These pictures are all mini though, so I can’t fully appreciate them.

    Maybe the snow will still be around at my parents this weekend, so that we can make a snow person of our own 🙂

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