I’ve already told you about how I did this, but here are some pictures showing the progression of the basket 🙂 I need to sand it to smooth out a lot of places and then I might stain it. But its 95% done right now. In this picture you can see what I did with the wire on the other side of the inner end piece. You’ll notice how I cut off the piece that connects all these ends so that I could bend them over the wood and then HOT glue it. This way hopefully the wire will never pull out of the wood.
This is my work table. TADA! I want to make a nicer table to work on, and really want to clean up the entire basement workshop area, but its all my dads stuff so I don’t know if I will or not.
I used the circular saw to cut the “U” into the outer end pieces, that way I could get the two pieces of wood to fit together nicely.
Left: This is WOOD glue!
Right: You saw this when we were skyping, but here’s a pic of the setup all clamped together.
DONE! I should put a picture of the one from the LL Bean catalog next to a picture of mine for comparison. Their handle was attached differently, and I’m guessing they attached their wire differently but its impossible to know. Also, their handle is a more drastic curve which makes it easier to get things into and out of the basket. If I make another, I will make a bigger handle like theirs, use solid wood for the end pieces (as opposed to plywood), and maybe get a little more creative with how I attach the handle or what I make the handle look like. 🙂 So far I think it’s come out pretty well though. I’ll take a picture when I’m completely done with it for you.
I’m glad you think so :-), I wonder if Jeanette will be happy when she gets it..
holy cow, babe, that looks AMAZING! That’s the coolest!!!