This past months summary from MMR was a sad one. I got the email last week and it only had these 2 rides in it, for a total of ~43 miles. The car accident definitely slowed down my training for our cross country ride. But I actually did do more rides than are shown on here, I was also pretty lazy about recording rides this month. I have a feeling August will be much more impressive though 🙂 Possibly even our first attempt at a weekend bike tour!
haha this goes to show that we can’t do our ride without a GPS… I don’t know if you could handle not knowing how far we’ve gone.
You need to get a bike soon so that we can practice touring in September!
Well, I sort of agree with you. But if we didn’t record for a couple days it wouldn’t be very hard to figure out how much riding we had done. It would be like “Well, the last time we posted we were in Indiana… and now we’re in Colorado. I wonder what riding we did between now and then…?” But I definitely think it would be nice to have to save us from manually entering our days on MMR.
I do need to get a bike soon though, so that we can have some practice touring trips later this Fall 🙂