November Bike Tour Option

Keeping up with our trend of making our practice rides from home to a beach…Proposed Touring Ride for Nov. '14I figured this would be a nice one to take 2.5 or 3 days for.  I have 2 vacation days left for the year, so we could either take Friday off, or make it a half day and start riding towards Sandwich by noon (we will have lost an hour the previous weekend) 🙂

Originally I was thinking we could ride to Myles Standish State Forest in Carver, MA on Friday which is only 40 something miles from your apartment but it seems they must be closed at that point in the season because there were no sites available when I checked.  If worse comes to worst though, we could always get a hotel half way if we don’t think we would have enough time on Friday to make it to the Shawme Crowell State Forest.


2 thoughts on “November Bike Tour Option”

  1. It turns out there is a route that was mapped in 1987 from Boston to Provincetown, with a branch that splits off to Falmouth. It used to be marked with small white signs that had a vertically-oriented green oval with the number “1” and a bicycle in white inside the oval but supposedly a lot of the signs have disappeared, so a map is now recommended. This one might be a slam dunk!

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