Happy Thanksgiving from The Galapagos!
This morning, we woke up early and packed our things; we are sadly leaving Isabela and heading to Santa Cruz, the last island of our visit to the Galapagos. Santa Cruz is the most inhabited and built-up of the islands, and it happens to be the home of our tour guide, Maritza.
Instead of taking a small plane again, this trip was via speedboat. Our group boarded along with 20 or so other travelers and off we went. Despite a loud and bouncy ride of approximately one hour, Rachel fell fast asleep, and I tried listening to an audiobook. Unfortunately, I started feeling a little motion sick about half way through and gave up on the audiobook so that I could focus all of my energy on holding myself together. I stared at the only available fixed objects I could see from my side of the boat; a series of small islands and/or large rock formations between Puerto Vilamil and Puerto Ayora. Finally seeing Santa Cruz was quite a relief, and I was able to keep my motion-sickness in check.
After transferring to water taxis and setting foot on the dock, we took a short walk through town, then piled into a few (land) taxis en route to our hotel, La Casa de Judy. It was a beautiful hotel, with an outdoor eating area on the first level beside the pool, and 2 levels of rooms above, with a roof deck and penthouse room beyond.
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