Stocking stuffers

Stocking Stuffers 2014I would ask if you could guess whose piles each of them are, but I already spilled the beans (and you helped with some ideas…).  Don’t tell anyone, but I’m pretty sure I went over for every person, but all were less than $20, so not too badly.

“F” is a bonus scratch ticket.  Maybe I’ll keep it for myself so that I have one while the rest of them are doing theirs.  Or maybe I’ll give it to you!

3 thoughts on “Stocking stuffers”

  1. It’s funny that you got KC another coffee drink.
    That’s cool that they give you a Nook gift card for a particular book; I wonder what Charity will think of J.K. Rowling’s adult book. I didn’t know you got your mom real coffee instead of k-cups. That’s cool. I really like the bear shirt for your dad. What scent is Julie ‘s candle?

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